When I first started MonsterZine, the graphical web was still in its infancy. MST3K was still new, and blogging had yet to be born.

I wanted to start a magazine that was a hybrid of the fan writing I was seeing, being a fan myself, and the rising tide of academic cultural criticism of the horror genre I saw happening around me. I wanted to dish about horror movies, the high art and the low, the A-list, the Bs, and even further down the alphabet. And I wanted to do so in a way that wouldn’t incur the expenses that a traditional magazine would. Thus, MonsterZine was born.

I learned a lot from MonsterZine, not the least of which was the coding that led me to a career in technical writing. But hand-coding takes time, as does the rest of daily life, so updates to MonsterZine fell by the wayside, its quarterly magazine format lost in the annals of web publishing.

I still love horror movies, and I still want to write about them. Rather than reviving (or should I say, revivifying) MonsterZine, we’ve launched a new site, a mate for the aging PHP monster that is, and always will be, MonsterZine.

Like many a sequel, this blog doesn’t veer far from its original story arc. Like MonsterZine before it, this blog explores horror movies as “fables with a meaning and a significance for you and for me in the 21st century.” And like its predecessor, it’s still written by fans and for fans, with an enthusiastic love of the genre forever at its core.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you, the Bride of MonsterZine: